Login Help

There is a way for you to log in to our website even if you forgot your password. And you don’t have to wait for the Webmaster to manually reset your password.

First, your email address is your username (and vice versa). That should be easy to remember.

But what if you forgot your password? No problem. Just click the Forgot? link.

Type your username and email address (they are both the same) and click Reset Password. You will get the following message.

Wait a few minutes and check your email. You should get a message similar to this one.

Go back to the login page, type your username, the new password, and click Login.

If you don’t want to remember that new password (I sure wouldn’t) then you can change it.

The change your password, click Change Password.

Type your new password twice and click Update Password.

That’s it! You are logged in and have a new password that should be easier to remember.